Friday, March 2, 2018

Web Development Trends 2018

          The Web technologies are developing at great speed. And some technologies which are popular today could be unpopular tomorrow. Then web industry is notable for its instability. Technologies come to replace each other. Web development is evolving every single day and 2018 will be no different. Then expectations of users are growing tremendously and therefore to build a digital experience that is fun and engaging has become the necessity. New programming languages and the framework are on a rise in order to make this a success. Then new web application development trends have a led businesses to own stunning websites in order to the  achieve success in this competitive digital world. The online shopping has already taken a strong hold over the web. More and more people are purchasing items online to fulfill their needs. Here is the list of 10 web applications development trends in 2018. Listed below are some of the top web development trends that will have a major impact in the web development industry in 2018. 

1) Progressive Web-Apps

The progressive Web Apps are a mobile application interfaces that have the features of an internet browser. The advantage of this technology offers the ability to work offline, no virtual load time, good reliability and the ability to receive notifications. These web-apps can be designed faster than mobile applications and are easier to maintain which is an advantage both for the developer and the user.

2) Chat bots

Chat bots allow a website to be contacted 24x7 without the need to continuously maintain a customer service department. The development of chat bots has provided new capabilities to increase communication online. Being connected to users is more important than ever. Chatbots, written or oral conversation software, allow a website to be contacted daily, at any time, without having to continuously maintain a customer service department. The customers now expect all sites to have chat bots as they’ve become accustomed to their presence and ways of interacting with them.

3) Internet of Things

We are on the verge of entering into a world of smart devices. These smart devices allow the utilization of resources more efficiently and effectively. IoT is now beginning to get introduced to large international companies in various sectors of the economy.

4) Motion UI

Interfaces have become of great concern for web developers since many years. This technology offers a wide range of customization that gives developers a wide range of options to build a functional and attractive website. Motion UI has gained lot of popularity in 2017 and will continue to evolve in 2018 as well.

5) Single-Page Websites

Another web development trend which is going to take over the web industry in 2018 is single-page websites. Single page website allows putting all the content of a website onto one long scrollable page. The biggest advantage of this type of sites is its simplicity and easy navigation. 

6) Online customer support

The customer service chatbot gives the client a feeling of interacting with a human. The bot is smart enough to answer frequently asked questions, to redirect clients to the needed page, to help them to choose the right product and even to proceed with payments. And all this without the round-the-clock customer support department.

7) E-commerce

 E-commerce web development is an independent industry built by its own rules and laws. And it is the most conservative process of website development. However, the strongest players will dominate in this area at least till another giant like Google or Etsy might represent their own products. Developers prefer Magento for huge and complex projects and Shopify for small ones. You can see our latest article, where we analyzed the best e-commerce platforms of 2018. With the evolving technology, web development trends constantly change as fast as they arrive. The above mentioned trends can be used to attract and retain customers if used effectively. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the current and upcoming trends in order to stay ahead of the competition.For more

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