Saturday, March 3, 2018

web design trends 2018

                       The web design  is obsessed with the latest trends and web technologies. That passion drives our design process and assures the development of high quality websites that thoughtfully incorporate technologies. Website and we are already thinking about next year’s web design and development trends.               

                The new trends are Expressive typography  it is  website layouts will be the clean and simple, we can expect to see web designers unleash their creativity on typography. As we’ve said to before, quick loading is the a great both for search rankings and for user experience. Then  web is a unique medium, and it is high time we can established a new normal for it, breaking it free from the shackles of static print design. This is  a new normal involves ceding control of our designs to the browsers that render them the rather than constantly engage in this battle to dictate where every pixel should fall. The digital teams are tasked with the  creating more products, services, and features that need to work on more devices and environments than ever before, the explains.  To tackle this herculean task, they need as solid ground to stand on. Then design systems help to  collect institutional knowledge, so that is  different product teams and different disciplines can be all speak the same language in order to produce higher quality work faster than ever. When it is  comes to typography and 2018 web design trends, a word is worth a thousand pictures.

                 Then technology has advanced and web browsers handle animations much better than  they have in the a past. However,  2018 will usher in a new era of subtle and useful animation. Expect to see scroll-triggered animations and animated logos. Scroll-triggered animation has been on the rise lately and as it doesn’t require large amounts of data to download to the device or browser to look beautiful. Smooth transitions are easy to accomplish with this method and used creatively, scroll-triggered animations not only appear intriguing to the viewer but can help demonstrate your product or service. This kind of animation, when correctly thought out, coded, and applied to the design of your website, help your brand by making your company look more professional and modern than competitors. 

             The new trends of VIRTUAL REALITY VIDEO it is  witnessed the rise of the  video on websites. It seemed like a every website has a video intro, so we can could see the faces behind the products and services we can use every day. We also saw a rise in apps and services that make it easier to create videos. Websites in 2018 will take video to the new, immersive places that once seemed like science fiction only a few short years ago. Though these videos might seem costly and time-intensive, there are actually quite a few apps already available to make creating virtual reality videos more accessible. we’re ahead of the game. Just last year we created a website for ImagineOptix that featured an interactive 3D model. 3D Button Effects The wildly popular flat buttons and ghost buttons are here to stay. They’ve been around for a few years and both of them blend nicely with Google’s material design language. And one other button style I’ve seen recently is the 3D button. This is where the bottom border is darker than the main button color so it looks like the button is raised off the page. Then when you click the whole button sinks down.

                Then SECURITY It seems like every time you read your favorite news site, there’s a story about a malicious hacker, a serious data breacha and  malware attack. Security is at the forefront of our minds and it’s taking center stage when it comes to web design and development. The Google has already taken steps to notify users of potentially harmful websites. As you think about your web design, be sure to consider the security of your customer’s information. Make sure your security certificate is updated on all pages. It  will only interact with your website, download your content, and share their information if they trust. For more

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