Wednesday, March 7, 2018

New Trends Technology Articles


    Nowadays, fault proneness prediction is an important field of software engineering. It can be used by developers and testers to prioritize tests. This would allow a better allocation of resources, reducing testing time and costs, and the  improving the effectiveness of software testing. Non supervised fault proneness prediction models, especially thresholds based models, can be easily be automated and give valuable insights to developers and testers on the classification performed.

              Then every organization should information is circulating on the Internet about its activities so that it can use concrete actions to handle any the  potential threat to the organization and to capture a competitive advantage for its own business.  Information technology will influence library services as the GPS apps that help locate material inside the library, mobile apps that allow patrons to access library services, book delivery robots, and access to 3D printers and binding services. Then organizations should monitor not only the so called sentiment, but also. Nowadays information technology (IT) highly revolutionized in the field of library and information services, which provide collection, storage, organization, processing, analysis, presentation etc.

              Application of information technology in libraries, that provide efficient and effective services and online information retrieval. Library automation is one of the important applications of information technology in libraries. Libraries are using the information technology to automate the administrative and technical process, build databases, networks and provide better services to the users.

             Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going whether forwards or backwards as well. Technology has enable Us to increase our comfort and to achieve efficiency in all sectors of life .without technology ,we can’t achieve any progress or development . thanks to technology ,we can modernize our industry so life becomes easier for us and next generations .despite advantages mentioned above, there are drawbacks of technology . so we can consider technology is a servant but a bad master.

                Information technology give a new face to traditional libraries that include both digital collections and traditional, fixed media collections. We know that traditional libraries are limited by its storage space, but the digital information requires little space to contain information, so digital libraries have the potential to store more documents. The use of information technology in digital libraries that will increase the number of users and increased the expectations of the users.

            There are some modern technological developments that play a major role in making our daily life more effective . television is ,no doubt, a good servant .it’s the cheapest source of information and entertainment nowadays .TV has a big influence in our life . It can be an educational tool. there is a considerable variety of TV programmes which give us instruction as well as education . there are , for examples , some programmes for educating adult illiterates and others for teaching foreign languages . besides ,a lot of films, plays and series are presented time at home . Television also provides outlet for creative talents . many playwrights ,actors emerged from television . color TV has given greater opportunities for such talents.

          Technology has also brought about efficiency and quality in the manufacturing sector. Technological advancement has reduced the risk. Development is closely related with technology and the stage of development the human being has arrived could have been possible without the advancement in technology.We can also notice that violence on television doesn’t seem to have consequence s . An actor who is killed in a film an hour ago ,can be seen laughing in another program . This may confuse with reality and we forget killing must be permanent. For more

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