Thursday, February 22, 2018


 it companies calicut

                Web hosting is a term coined for the service of providing storage space for a website or application on a server on the internet. There are numerous web hosting services and are of various kinds. Once our website is made available on the internet, it can be accessed by other computers connected to the internet.  our can host website on your own server or our can buy a hosting space from some host. When Internet users want to view our website, all they are need to do is type your website address or domain into their browser. Their computer will be then connect to our server and we are webpages will be delivered to them through the browsers.  The hosting is not much different than running a website on a local machine. When the our  say hosting services gives space it actually means they give you a machine, can be a virtual machine, just like our computer but the difference is that the machine has a public IP. So when, any computer on internet request for the some domain, done lookup send the IP to our computer and then browser sends the request to that IP.

       How web hosting works is that is the companies that rent out their services and technologies to host websites on the internet. Once the hosting company hosts your website, users can access it by typing in your web address is domain name in their web browser. When they do this, their computer connects to the server our website is hosted on. The server in turn serves sends the files you have stored on the storage to display the website to our web visitor in their web browser. It is three steps that is; Domain name, Nameserver and hosting.

          A domain is the name of your website. Before our can setup a website, our will need a domain. It is not a something physical that our can be touch or see, it is merely the a string of characters that is a give our website an identity that is, a name, like human and businesses). Now, here are the some quick examples: is a domain name; so are,,, as well as To have our own domain, you will need to register your domain with a domain registrar.

         Step two is setting up nameservers or DNS for our newly-purchased domain name. Then  servers typically come in 2 different varieties: Linux or Windows. The major difference between the 2 is the operating system (OS) that they runs, much like that the operating system of our computer. Then type of server predicts what type of programming language that can be ran on them. Linux is the most popular type of the server and runs the programming languages: PHP, MYSQL just to name a few. Windows server run the programming languages: ASP, VB, C#, C+, SQL, just to name a few. Now that the we’ve mentioned that our the example website’s files won’t be on the same computer as or, we’d better talk about where our website will be hosted.

         So at this stage hosting places our website on the same the server hardware as many other websites. This setup makes is shared hosting affordable but gives our no control over the server hardware and software itself. The shared hosting plans often offer perks such as unlimited bandwidth and support for multiple domain names. The major of limitation to shared hosting is CPU time, Every person who connects to our website uses some of the server's processing power. If to many people connect, at the same time, especially if oue have complex scripts on our site, the websites of the everyone on the server slow down. Use too much the  CPU time and our Web host might restrict your site or force our to upgrade to a dedicated server. For more

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