Wednesday, February 21, 2018


                      New generation information technology continues to the offer more efficiencies for the small and the midsize businesses, and for those ready to take a leap and a invest in these fast new tools and services, 2018 promises to be a good year. Then  basically anything that a large enterprise needs and uses, and midrange-size companies also can put to work. This is not a trickle down type process, then  midrange enterprise the market is the a largest in the world, and tech companies is continue to the come out with new and improved products designed specifically for them. In this the business world, you are only as good as the a technology you use. Then Tech tools and their rapid evolution have a had an increasing impact on the way modern professionals and do business, and that growth doesn't appear to be a slowing down anytime soon.Then from automation and machine a learning to the augmented reality, 2018 has some exciting technological implications, especially in terms of business development. Seven forward-thinking Forbes Business Development Council members shared their thoughts on the software and technology trends that will change their industry in the coming year.

                 The 2018 new trends business technology's while there’s no way to predict potential cyberattacks, and the many technology firms are the keeping a new product of launches under wraps, there are many to  emerging and not so new technology trends that will make their mark in 2018. Here’s a look at the we believe will be the top six major technology influencers in the a year ahead. 2018 will stand as one of the early years of Generation  entering the workforce. While millennials begin taking on more leadership roles in companies, they are making room for the next generation of young professionals. Businesses will have to work quickly this year to adapt to the rapidly changing demographic of their workplace and their consumers as well.

 Blockchain Technology Grows :
                                                The rise of the bitcoin in 2017 both in popularity and value accounts for the rapid expansion of blockchain technology. But it's the prevalence in 2018 will make it imperative for companies to the  become more the familiar with it. Then Blockchain technology is, in essence, an accounting system for virtual currency a virtual spreadsheet of sorts. It’s the significance, unlike many online transactions, is that it creates an indestructible, encrypted record, making malicious of tampering and the forging of digital transactions nearly impossible. Additionally, its authenticity is synchronized across networks where an entire community can verify transactions. Companies is the concerned with enterprise security will seek ways to leverage blockchain technology to enhance their own security measures in 2018.

Increase In IoT Connectivity
                             The surge in popularity of Amazon Echo, Alexa, Google Home and other connected devices, it’s easy to see that an increasing number of consumers are relying on the Internet of Things (IoT) for daily life.As with in the consumer products, businesses will be able to gather valuable data to create a self-learning environment and lead to improved processes, greater efficiency, increased productivity, and cost savings. Customers will reap benefits by having better experiences as a result of intuitive and predictive problem solving and recommendations.

Continued Cloud Migration
                              Each year,The cloud computing ranks among the top trends, suggesting that it’s not so much a trend as it is a slow and the steady migration for many businesses.And the  increasing number of organizations, especially mid sized and the large enterprises, will weigh the security and data privacy risks and how to the mitigate them and adopt the technology. The most of the companies that store their data on the a Cloud will come to the a  realization that the security measures put in place by the reputable platforms and an applications are much more robust than their own, making a move to the Cloud more desirable. Enterprises that want to learn more about Cloud computing will likely discover that its capabilities and benefits far outweigh the risks. 

Artificial Intelligence Becomes Less Artificial
                              One of the first examples of Artificial Intelligence many of the us likely encountered were chatbots. Chatbots have been widely used for customer service and support, but have had limited adoption due to their less-than-human characteristics and capabilities. But as AI continues to improve, chatbots and other computer systems will soon be able to respond to customers and predict their needs as well as or better than a human. A Gartner survey indicates that 59% of organizations are building an AI strategy, and that by 2020, 30% of CIOs will include AI in their top five investment priorities. AI will influence industries by mining data to determine patterns, promote machine learning, and predict user behaviors.

 Hypervigilance About Cybersecurity
                                The need for data security is at an all-time high, as is demonstrated by the ranking of Information Security Analyst among the top 10 jobs with the greatest potential for growth in the next decade. Some organizations are struggling to find qualified IT security specialists to mitigate the risks of data breaches and cyberattacks. Perhaps an even greater indication of the increased need for data security is the vast number of individuals across the globe whose personal information was compromised as a result of known vulnerabilities, poor security practices, and failures to install upgrades and security patches in a timely manner. As IT jobs go unfilled and cybercriminals become more prevalent, the need for organizations to find effective security solutions will rise in 2018.

 Increased Use Of Managed IT 
                         The skilled labor shortage and the heightened security threats will be  lead many organizations to the seek a third party provider to the supplement their existing IT teams, or to the serve as a sole solution. This is an especially appealing approach for small and medium size and businesses that require many of the same security the measures as larger corporations, but can not afford a CIO salary on their payrolls. A Managed IT provider can deploy the a virtual CIO to serve in a similar capacity at a fraction of the expense. Managed IT offers the  assurance that a dedicated representative and a team of highly skilled experts are at a company’s disposal to address problems such as slow computers, connectivity issues, printer errors, software updates and more. The year 2018 will bring many challenges, but businesses will also face many opportunities for growth and improvements. The Gordon Flesch Company is dedicated to supporting your organization’s IT initiatives, and can provide skilled and diligent experts who receive consistent training on the latest security threats, equipment, upgrades and updates to keep systems running smoothly and to provide peace-of-mind etc. For more 

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