Saturday, February 17, 2018

IT Companies with Highest Number Of Employess

Information Technology (IT) is the worlds the  fastest growing economic activity. Then IT industry has been the found to be the ideal for Kerala in terms of its potential to generate opportunities and employment with the little pressure on land, environment and other resources. This is one of the most people-friendly and environment-friendly industries of modern times. The Policy Statement addresses components such as, Increased application of Information Technology in all walks of life, enhancing the IT industry base so as to make Kerala a very fertile location for ventures in Information Technology, Creating a robust State Information Infrastructure, and Human Resource Development for Information Technology.  
The Information technology in want to be successful, even in current environment which is highly competitive. Therefore, many companies irrespective of size and market strive to retain the best employees, acknowledging their is a important role and influence on organizational the  effectiveness. In order to the overcome these challenges, companies should create a strong and the positive relationship with its employees and direct them towards task fulfillment. In order to the achieve their goals and objectives, organizations development strategies to compete in highly competitive markets and to increase their performance. Nevertheless, just a few an organizations consider the human capital as being their main asset, capable of leading them to success or if not managed properly  to decline. If the employees are not a satisfied with their jobs and not a motivated to fulfill their tasks and achieve their goals, the organization cannot attain success. 

The employee participation is about the contributions of the employees in administration and decision-making regarding the policies, objectives and the strategies of the organization. Studies have shown that employees’ perception of the goals and the norms of the organization are positively related to employee motivation. Taking into account that high levels of motivation can be achieved , this process also leads to organizational growth. The management should evaluate employee suggestion scheme and use the feedback from the workforce to the improve the organizational environment and the fulfill their are needs and skills. People are different and they are motivated by diverse needs, such as the physiological needs, safety requirements and self-actualization needs. Then, focusing on employees at every level of the workforce and analyzing each department of the organization will provide detailed accurate information regarding the needs of employees. For more......

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